Category Archives: Uncategorized

thank you notes

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Consider investing in personalized thank you notes.  The extra touch of class helps companies remember you and your style–it’s a great investment if you have a big job search ahead!

remember thank yous

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Make sure you take note of all the names of the people in your interview and one specific thing about them. Your post-interview thank yous will make a bigger impact with this information!

charity work

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Remember that during times of unemployment you can still gain relevant work experience; your resume doesn’t need to look “empty.”  Be sure to do extra volunteering and charity work while job searching to keep an active resume!

end of summer clean up

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Take the last few weeks of summer to get rid of all of the clothes in your summer wardrobe you didn’t wear this year. Donate everything that doesn’t fit your style (or your waist!) anymore. Practice this skill after every season!

networking accessory

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When you go to network, make sure you wear a visible accessory that invites conversation: a bold necklace from South Africa, a clever tie, a barrette made my your niece, etc. Give people a reason to come up to you for a chat!


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Tip of the Week is on hold: Jen is off running around on vacation with our friendly neighbors to the north.  She returns from Canada on August 7th!

thank you notes

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Post-interview thank you notes give you the chance to demonstrate your written communication skills. Use this opportunity to stand out with creative and genuine gratitude. Don’t copy a template–be sincere!


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Ever wonder if you have too much “stuff” in your house?  Quick test: open a “junk” drawer. If there are multiples of the same item, you’ve discovered  a great place to start getting rid of the extras that are just clutter!

special occasion

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Your atttitude during a job search can seriously affect its outcome. When you start to feel weary or discouraged, it can come across in cover letters or phone interviews.  Take a break if you are feeling overwhelmed–start fresh the next day!


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Sometimes the job search process can make you feel weary. Ask someone close to you to be your own personal cheerleader.  For every fifth job you apply for, ask them to help you celebrate making progress!

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